Friday, November 2, 2012

Stalking Dead

Introducing the KNIGHT XV: The ultimate Zombie-Proof Vehicle!

Lets face it, unless you have one of these at the onset of the Zombie Apocalypse it is very unlikely that you will discover one just laying around, keys in ignition and security door open just for you. No, it's a much safer bet to count on your own vehicle to get you through the "First 48" and to put you in a better position to defend yourself. 

In order to keep your vehicle on the road and in shape, you better have a few pieces of insurance available to you so you can keep on moving when the world stops and zombies rule the earth. The best bet is to be prepared and to have this stuff before the end of the world, hell it can even do you some good before the apocalypse so you might as well have it anyway. 

My recommendation for "All-In-One" emergency road kit would be the Bridgestone and Travel Road Safety Kit with Carry Case because it has automotive tools, personal accessories, a first-aid kit, flares, safety triangles and pretty much everything else you need when you are on the road and it follows my #1 portability tip: It has its own carrying case.

Everything you want and need is in this one bag that you can throw in the back of the car and be on your way. Trust me, it is a good idea to have this thing handy in case the world comes to an end and the dead start to rise.

Until then, you also need to remember basic vehicle maintenance and other safety concerns so I suggest you keep your insurance up to date at all times. Even though you won't need insurance for your vehicle when the horde is knocking at your door, it is good to have in the mean time and it is the law of the land, so keep it updated. If you want to see if you can get a better rate on your insurance, just go here fill in your basic information and someone close by will be in contact to save you some money on your insurance.

With that saved insurance money, be sure to stock up on your survival gear and end of the world preparedness stash.

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