Saturday, November 3, 2012

Walking Dead!

Now, this is something I have been enjoying for a while now and it is only going to get better. The Walking Dead form AMC is a video Bible on how to survive the Zombie Apocalypse and, by God, I'm a devout subscriber. The show, if you don't know, takes place after the zombie apocalypse and it shows what life is going to be like when the shit hits the fan. 

It is gritty, dark, grungy, violent, disturbed and utterly beautiful. They show what it is like when society collapses and we return to the animals that we are, it's fantastic!

If you are interested in getting involved in this series, maybe you may want to download their small game and play around in that universe. You can get it here and it's completely free. 

There may be some of you who don't know the deal with Walking Dead and this would be a great introduction to the series but if you want to go all hard-core zombie slaying badass, you can grab the first two seasons from before it, and all the other websites in the world, go down. 

Plus, if you buy it from here, you can support this blogger and his quest for the ultimate zombie defense network.

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