Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday Bloody Sunday

"When the is no more room in hell, the dead will walk."
That makes me think, what all kinds of zombies are there? I started to think about the different kinds of zombies and the ways the infection begin. 

This list is, by no means, complete or to represent every way the Zombie Horde will come into existence to kill us all but here we go: 

  • Nuclear Waste: 
  • Space-Born Radiation:
  • Biological Experimentation: (28 Days Later, Resident Evil, etc)
  • Religious Failures or Biblical Prophecy:
  • Aliens:
  • A Sumatran rat-monkey (Dead Alive!)
  • Neurotoxins:
  • Nano Technology: To keep soldiers alive after they are killed in battle, nano technology has already been successfully grafted to brain tissue and they can form their own neural pathways, meaning they can use your brain to keep operating your limbs after you've deceased and, presumably, right up until you rot to pieces in mid-stride
Needless to say, aliens and space-born radiation are the least of our worries and I don't really believe that is how the apocalypse will begin. I think we, as a race of perfection seeking narcissists, will kick start the end of days by desperately seeking a way to preserve our own lives or to preserve the lives of our loved ones. Yes, death is tragic and it always makes us feel sad but when you start to dabble in science that can reanimate dead tissue, you have to begin to wonder if you are starting something you can never stop. 

Yes I would like to preserve my life and the life of those I care about, but at the cost of potentially starting the Zombie Apocalypse because I want to shed a few years with a "youth serum"? I think not. 

Oh, who am I kidding? I want the Zombie Apocalypse to happen, I'm ready for it and I'll be a king. I already have my concrete fortress, 30 years of rations, weapons and ammo, tools, supplies, enough solar panels to power everything I need and I can grow algae to render into gasoline, jet-fuel, food and petrochemicals. 

I'm good.

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